AWS Cloud Certified Practitioner
Sharing the experience
AWS Cloud Practitioner is the first step to the world of AWS and below picture will give an idea about the same.

Many of the employees skip ‘Cloud Practitioner’ and take any of the advanced exams at first but if you are new to AWS Cloud then I definitely recommend you to take practitioner certification first and then any of the specific ones based on your nature of work.
I am no expert to chart down a plan which may help you to clear the exam but I can note down the steps I took before taking the exam
- I did enrolled and completed the free AWS Cloud Practitioner training available on AWS Portal (4–5 hours)
- Read three white papers
a. AWS Overview: Very much worth as many questions are from the services briefed here and not covered in any e-learning courses
b. AWS Pricing Overview
c. AWS Cloud Best Practices - Took a course on Udemy by LinuxAcademy (6–7 hours): Though most of the concepts are similar to one in #1, here it is very much detailed and from the perspective of non-technical/sales background which may seems redundant if you are from technical background but nevertheless basics are the root and I recommend this.
- Took sample test exams on Udemy: This one was from Mozdora Academy where there was 6 exams with 65 questions each.Best part is the explanation at end of the exam and I recommend this to be taken 2–3 days prior to the exam.
Exam Day
90 minutes is more than enough for practitioner exam and it will give ample time to review the whole set of questions once completed.Always better to read the question and options provided twice before marking the answers even though most of them look obvious.
This certification will give us an opportunity to explore wide range of services AWS offers which we may miss otherwise and end-up reinventing the wheels.
If you are planning for certification, good luck from my side.