Python for Data Science — Free Online Basic course for beginners
IBM along with Cognitive class has devised a fantastic course which I would like to recommend to all who is interested to know about Python with zero experience.

Course syllabus is very thoughtful and though it is completely online it doesn't dwell much on user listening abilities and strikes a neat balance between hands-on and theoretical concepts.
Syllabus is as below and for the ones who is super busy to do the course I have put the notebooks on gist and have provided the links. (This will help for the people who are aware of Python and concepts provided but want to have a quick review)
Module 1 — Python Basics
- Your first program
- Types
- Expressions and Variables
- String Operations
Module 2 — Python Data Structures
- Lists and Tuples
- Sets
- Dictionaries
Module 3 — Python Programming Fundamentals
- Conditions and Branching
- Loops
- Functions
- Objects and Classes
Module 4 — Working with Data in Python
- Reading files with open
- Writing files with open
- Loading data with Pandas
- Working with and Saving data with Pandas
Module 5— Working with Numpy Arrays
- Numpy 1D Arrays
- Numpy 2D Arrays
Upon successful completion of the course you would be presented a ‘Python for Data Science’ Badge .
They have various learning paths which can be explored to gain more insights about different tools and technologies.
If you do take the course and feel it’s useful, do recommend the courses to others.